Golden Guidance Journal (p. 210)
Self-love is a gateway for the freedom of our mind, body, and spirit. This love holistically honors who we are - our spirit, beliefs, values, and character held within our physical bodies.
Walking in the alignment of God's design assists us in balancing our journey of joy and pain. We can process and receive from both opposite modes of experience.
With self-love and awareness, we understand that what we hold within - positive or negative has an impact on our emotions, thoughts, and actions.
As an act of self-love, we choose boundaries as a means of separation and self-preservation from those relationships that have changed. We need to also acknowledge the importance of mental and spiritual boundaries for the protection of our emotions and thoughts. We activate this level of boundary by choosing to not overspend time and energy on thinking about the past hurt and disappointments.
What we focus on expands - over-thinking about the past allows for the pain’s poison to seed, take root, and grow. Forgiveness processes our pain - allowing it to be released and transformed for our renewal and wisdom.
Choose to not self-betray; be empowered through forgiveness and experience - use the wisdom to remain free.
#goldenguidance 🌙
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