Have you ever heard of the saying “hurt people hurt other people”?
This simple phrase summarizes the truth that what we have within is what we give to others, unconsciously and consciously.
As much as we want to charge and place the responsibility of our happiness and the health of our relationship on those we engage with, the reality is that the health of our relationships begins with being at peace with ourselves.
When we take care of ourselves, issues, and emotional states, we can depend on ourselves for our inner peace. We can create and implement verbal and, at times, physical boundaries. Most important, when we have challenging experiences, we can mindfully discern not to take the behaviors of others too personally and allow those actions to impact how we feel about ourselves because we are good within.
Let go of what no longer serves the spirit and remember that we have the power to create healthy relationships because we are at peace with ourselves.
ONE Love
#goldenguidance 🌙
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