Golden Guidance Journal blog

Release what is heavy.

Release what is heavy.

Golden Guidance Journal p. 176 Forgive, release and let it all go.  Some past experiences are discoloring and suppressing our potential. Reflect within to recognize that despite the painful experiences - we each possess and are a source of unlimited love & light. Know that within each of us is the power of choice.  Choose to let go of the anchors from the past -...

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Allow good  energy to flow.

Allow good energy to flow.

Golden Guidance Journal p. 178 Our success or failure is never determined by the success or failure of others. How we choose to lean in and support others doesn't change our personal or business goals and aspirations. Our human purpose is divinely rooted in the energy of service to others - as we benefit collectively from this energy we give. Within each of us is...

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Where there is no compassion there is judgment.

Where there is no compassion there is judgment.

Golden Guidance p. 182   As much as we think we know the reasons behind the words and actions of others - we will never be fully informed until love and compassion enter the space of learning and understanding. Let others think whatever, choose to move forward, grow and get better.  

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