Golden Guidance Journal blog

It is essential to honor our progress.

It is essential to honor our progress.

Golden Guidance Journal p. 213  We may not be exactly where we see the vision for ourselves but make no mistake - progress is progress. Acknowledgment of our change in direction, whether big or small is the energy needed to move forward.  Embracing our self-awareness to make the effort to chose what is best for our growth is paramount in our evolution.  Doubting ourselves and...

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Let go of the past to move forward in peace.

Let go of the past to move forward in peace.

Our emotions and memories from the past contain knowledge for us to maintain and build upon or release and learn from. From our experiences, we learn emotional discernment - recognizing what does or does not serve our spirit, what drains or uplifts, etc. With discernment, we are spiritually equipped to close the doors of the past - initiating new doors to open.  From this space...

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Divine order is always in motion.

Divine order is always in motion.

All experiences shape our beliefs and perceptions of who we are in the world. Life provides the highs and lows that affirm and challenge the construct of our being. The emotions and memories from our past experiences are powerful. These feelings can anchor and suppress how we live or they can teach and expand our consciousness. Through free will, we position our journey by how...

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